The Most Dangerous Branch: Inside the Supreme Court's Assault on the Constitution Free Audiobook Download by David A. Kaplan

In this riveting audiobook, David A. Kaplan reveals that over the last quarter century, the United States Supreme Court has made a concerted effort to undermine democracy in America by systematically eroding the protections of the Constitution and imposing its own political preferences.

It is a fact that the Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial body in the country. It is also a fact that it has become a lawless court. The current members of the Supreme Court have turned their backs on constitutionalism and have become an activist judiciary. They are now dismantling our liberties and freedoms by creating new rights that make no sense at all. What this book does for you is to show you how this happened and why it continues to happen today.

The Supreme Court has come under scrutiny for its decisions in recent years, and the trend is not getting better. But the most dangerous branch of government isn't Congress or the president - it's actually the Supreme Court. David A. Kaplan makes a compelling case for why the court has been so problematic, with hefty doses of anecdotes and fascinating historical details. The book poses questions such as why are they constitutionally exempt from civil service laws? And how did they create a two-tiered justice system with different levels of enforcement that discriminates based on race?

This audiobook is about the Supreme Court of the United States and its recent rulings on topics such as gay marriage, abortion, and voting rights. The book takes an in-depth look at how the Supreme Court works and how it has gone against its own foundational principles of upholding democracy, liberty, equal protection under the law, etc...

The Supreme Court of the United States has grown in power since its inception in 1789 and is now the most powerful branch of government. The Court, which consists of nine justices, is charged with reviewing challenges to laws passed by Congress or signed into law by the President.

The Supreme Court has recently been making decisions that are in direct contradiction with the Constitution. David A. Kaplan, a legal journalist and author of many books, including "The Most Dangerous Branch: Inside the Supreme Court's Assault on the Constitution," discusses how, in recent years, the United States government has been under constant attack by the SCOTUS. The most dangerous branch is one that often breaks the law without any respect for authority or what is right or wrong.

Published Date 2018-09-04
Duration 16 hours 35 minutes
Author David A. Kaplan
Narrated Dan Woren
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Politics
Parent Category American Politics, Law

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