The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State Free Audiobook Download by Nadia Murad

Nadia Murad is a Yazidi human rights activist and Nobel Laureate. In 2014, the Islamic State captured her when they invaded her village in Northern Iraq. In this memoir-like narrative of her experience, she talks about how she overcame the trauma of captivity and rose to international fame as a voice for the Yazidi minority.

Nadia Murad was a 19-year-old college student when ISIS attacked her town, enslaving and killing hundreds of Yazidi people. She is one of approximately 5,000 Yazidi girls and women who were captured by ISIS, some as young as 12. In her book she describes being forcibly taken by force to Mosul to be sold into sexual slavery. She escaped from captivity in 2016 through the help of a smuggler who saw her picture on the news and brought her out of captivity. Since then Nadia has become an activist for the rights of Yazidis.

Nadia Murad's memoir, The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State is an enlightening read. Nadia was kidnapped by ISIS as a teenager and her book tells the true-life story of how she went from living a carefree life in her hometown to being sold on the slave market after having been subjected to horrific acts of sexual violence and torture.

Nadia Murad is a 25 year old Yazidi woman who survived captivity in the hands of ISIS. Nadia was taken captive when ISIS invaded her village of Kocho. Nadia's story will give you goosebumps and make you never want to stop reading.

After a devastating attack on her home in Iraq, Nadia Murad has become a global symbol of the fight against ISIS. In this remarkable memoir, Nadia describes how she was captured by ISIS fighters and sold into sex slavery, before eventually escaping. Her captors' tyranny ripped her from everything she knew and loved, yet Nadia's indomitable spirit helped to keep her alive during the darkest days of captivity. Now, as a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking, Nadia continues to speak out about violence against women in an effort to prevent future atrocities.

Nadia Murad was born in Iraq where she and her mother were members of the Yazidi religious minority. In 2014, ISIS militants attempted to capture them as they fled their village near Sinjar. Nadia and her mother were separated by extremists and Nadia became a captive of ISIS. With the help of an interpreter and Nadia's story telling skills, she was able to escape but only made it out of ISIS territory after 12 days. She is now fighting for the rights of other persecuted minorities living in Iraq including Christians, Yezidis, Sabians, Shabak and Turkmen.

Published Date 2017-11-07
Duration 12 hours 16 minutes
Author Nadia Murad
Narrated Ilyana Kadushin
(22 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Politics
Parent Category Political Advocacy, Women, Memoir

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