The Founders' Speech to a Nation in Crisis: What The Founders Would Say To America Today Audiobook Download by Steven Rabb

For over two centuries, the United States has been a beacon of liberty, prosperity, and opportunity. America is the one nation on Earth with a government that was created by the people, for the people. We have lived in a country that has always been ruled by law and protected by an army. As Americans, we are masters of innovation and technology. But today, our world is changing dramatically.

As I sat and watched the election results come in on November 8th, 2016, a feeling of helplessness crept over me. I had been a passionate advocate for Donald Trump when he first announced his candidacy for President and worked to spread his message of change throughout America. There was no doubt in my mind that he would win. As I reflect back on that time, it is clear to me now that my hope was misplaced. My emotions were clouding my judgment; my passion blinded me from seeing the truth: America does not want her children educated in the way our Founders intended!

America's Founding Fathers were idealists with a deep understanding of the human condition. They envisioned America as the answer to humanity's many conflicts, but they also knew that it would not be perfect and would need to be built by people who are willing to sacrifice for the betterment of society. The Founders' Speech to a Nation in Crisis: What The Founders Would Say To America Today is an audiobook that brings their words back to life as they speak today and address the issues that have emerged from our nation.

The Founders' Speech to a Nation in Crisis: What The Founders Would Say To America Today is about helping the nation build trust in itself again. It gives several suggestions that can help make this happen, such as putting emphasis on building strong families, taking care of the planet, and our relationships with other nations.

The Founders' Speech to a Nation in Crisis: What The Founders Would Say To America Today is a book written by Steven Rabb. In this audiobook, Rabb goes through the history of America and talks about some of the most important things that made America great. He also talks about how America is currently in deep trouble and what we need to do to fix it. If you are looking for some reading material, this would be an excellent choice for you.

On the morning of September 14, 1789, George Washington delivered a speech to Congress that would become known as the "Founders' Speech." The speech was designed to give reassurance and courage to Americans during their time of extreme upheaval. This audiobook is narrated by [Steven Rabb] and gives listeners some insight into what it might have been like for Americans who heard this inspiring speech written nearly 240 years ago.

Published Date 2021-07-01
Duration 3 hours 46 minutes
Author Steven Rabb
Narrated Steven Rabb
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? No
Category History
Parent Category North America

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