The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth Free Audiobook Download by Jonathan Rauch

"The Constitution of Knowledge" offers a new defense of the idea that knowledge is not just about authoritative judgments, but also about the ability to offer reasons for those judgments.

The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth, by Jonathan Rauch is a difficult audiobook to categorize. It is both an engaging defense of truth in the age of information and a witty work of philosophy. One reason that this audiobook succeeds is because it has been narrated by its author, Traber Burns. Not only does he give a clear voice to the text, but he also infuses it with wit and humor.

The Constitution of Knowledge by Jonathan Rauch is a book about an argument for "universal truths." The book argues that such truths exist and are universal, but that they do not come from an objective God or universal truth. It is believed that these types of truths are discovered through reason and evidence rather than through religious dogma or revelation.

The Constitution of Knowledge is a defense of truth in an age of lies and alternative facts. In this brief, but very thought-provoking book, Jonathan Rauch makes the case for why belief in "truth" as we understand it is a requirement for democratic government. With keen insight, Rauch explores how our rights to know depend on our understanding of what knowledge is and how it can be gained. He then shows that increasing skepticism has led to increased freedom from ignorance and more open democracies.

The Constitution of Knowledge is a book that argues that there ought to be a single, uncontested way of knowing truth and that the definition ought not be left up to individual people or institutions. The author believes this will have positive benefits for society as a whole.

Jonathan Rauch's book "The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth" is an exploration of the idea that knowledge is a constitutional right, and that institutions such as schools, universities, and the press must be governed by its constraints. The author argues for a balance between intellectual freedom and scientific rigor, in what he believes to be an increasingly non-neutral space due to increasing economic and political power of corporations.

Published Date 2021-09-21
Duration 12 hours 23 minutes
Author Jonathan Rauch
Narrated Traber Burns
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Politics
Parent Category Current Affairs

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