Spirit Animals #5: Against the Tide Free Audiobook Download by Tui T. Sutherland

Spirit Animals #5: Against the Tide starts with a lot of action, which is something I really enjoy. It's also about accepting your fate and fighting for what you believe in. This audiobook follows Brynne and her twin brother as they learn to accept their differences from each other and from the people around them.

The sixth book in the series, Spirit Animals is a compelling adventure of four teens who have never been great at following the rules. Their teacher sends them on a school-sponsored summer-vacation camping trip to prove that they can stay out of trouble and find their lost brothers. When they return, they soon find themselves in the middle of an archaeological dig that might hold clues to finding mythical creatures like themselves.

In Spirit Animals, there are many themes and topics of interest. This week, the focus was on mental illness and how to break through it. One of the ways we were told to deal with our mental illnesses is by focusing on something we love as a reminder that there is a bright side to things. It's easy for people who have suffered from depression or anxiety to lose hope in themselves and their lives because they've been told so many times that they aren't good enough. This audiobook helped me realize that I am capable of doing anything I put my mind too.

When Eira finally finds out about her father's death, she has to go against all odds and return home to the family of her mother. Ultimately snapping and turning into a completely different person from the girl who used to be kind, helpful, and just plain happy.

In the fifth installment of her Spirit Animals series, Tui Sutherland offers a captivating tale of endurance and determination. Against the Tide proves to be a compelling audiobook that might just change your perspective on life.

The new installment in the Spirit Animals series comes at a time when the world is changing and all may be lost if not just our hearts, but our souls. After finding her adoptive grandmother dead, Caitlin finds herself back on the island once again with no way to help her people. With the help of some new friends and a mystical old woman, Caitlin discovers that what she has to do is take action against one of her own ancestors and bring about change in her people's way of life before it's too late for them.

Published Date 2014-10-01
Duration 4 hours 59 minutes
Author Tui T. Sutherland
Narrated Nicola Barber
(13 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Kids
Parent Category Mystery & Fantasy, Fairy Tales & Folklore

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