Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind Free Audiobook Download by Alexandra Ripley

"Linda Stephens is a wonderful Scarlett. She gives us a doe-eyed Scarlett and makes her bewitchingly alluring." -Washington Post

Alexandra Ripley, the author of Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind, has taken the story from 1936 and brought it up to date. The novel follows Scarlett O'Hara years later as she struggles to make a life in Atlanta after all that she has been through.

Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind is a historical fiction novel by Alexandra Ripley. It was published in 2009 and has been translated into several languages. Scarlett is then the sequel to Gone with the Wind, written by Margaret Mitchell and published in 1936. Unlike most sequels that are written decades later, this book is set during the first year of the Civil War, which happened twenty-five years after GWTW had been published.

It's 1939, and Scarlett O'Hara is now a woman of power. In Gone with the Wind, she had to rely on her own wit and cunning to survive in the Civil War-torn South. But now she's determined to not only survive, but be one of the few Southern belles left standing.

Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind is an exciting novel based on Margaret Mitchell's classic book Gone with the Wind. Scarlett O'Hara, the daughter of Tara Plantation's owner and one of the most iconic characters in literary history, has grown up into a beautiful, ruthless woman. She and her former suitor Rhett Butler strive to outwit each other as they plot their next moves in a game that spans decades and changes alliances.

Scarlett: The Sequel to Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind is a novel written by Alexandra Ripley. It tells the story of Scarlett O'Hara from age 3 to 20. The novel follows on from the events of Gone with the Wind that reveals what happened in Scarlett's life during those years.

Published Date 2018-04-13
Duration 36 hours 46 minutes
Author Alexandra Ripley
Narrated Linda Stephens
(32 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Historical Romance

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