Republican Rescue: Saving the Party from Truth Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, and the Dangerous Policies of Joe Biden Free Audiobook Download by Chris Christie

Republican Rescue: Saving the Party from Truth Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, and the Dangerous Policies of Joe Biden is a non-fiction audiobook written by Chris Christie. It was published in 2016 and it chronicles what Governor Christie believes is the truth behind why Republicans lost control of Washington D.C. to Democrats in 2008 - and how they can regain power back by electing Donald Trump as president.

Chris Christie, the New Jersey Governor and Republican presidential candidate, has made a bold move in order to save the party from Joe Biden's dangerous policies. He is going straight to the people by distributing books that detail why President Obama is leading America on a path of destruction. This audiobook will help Republicans make better decisions about who should be their next president.

Republican Party members have been losing more and more followers to conspiracy theorists, fake news, and those who question the official narrative. They find refuge in a book written by former New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie titled Republican Rescue: Saving the Party from Truth Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, and the Dangerous Policies of Joe Biden. Christie chronicles the journey he took to save the Republican party from its own demise.

The United States' political landscape is a hot mess. Conspiracies and fake news abound. There are people denying the reality of climate change that have been around since before the Enlightenment, and there are those who want to build a wall on our southern border. It seems like there is no more room for honesty in politics-not for Republicans, at least. Fortunately for them, Chris Christie has come forward with an audiobook titled "Republican Rescue: Saving the Party from Truth Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, and the Dangerous Policies of Joe Biden." The book does not offer any new insights or information about politics; instead it offers plenty of sound evidence about what's going on in today's politics.

Chris Christie breaks down a myriad of issues facing the Republican party and how they can be fixed. In his opinion, Republicans must stop trying to "sell" their policies to voters and instead focus on communicating their message through the use of facts, figures, data, and examples. One of the most important concepts employed in this audiobook is that while there are some people who will never accept any argument that doesn't align with their own personal beliefs, these "truth deniers" are an extremely small fraction of Americans. The author also goes into detail how this philosophy leads to the rise in conspiracy theories and conspiratorial thinking.

"As the Democrats and their media enablers continue to shout about Russia, Republican leaders are not doing enough to expose and overcome these falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and dangerous policies," Christie says in the opening of his book. "It's time for Republicans to stand up and stop playing defense."

Published Date 2021-11-16
Duration 7 hours 50 minutes
Author Chris Christie
Narrated Chris Christie
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Politics
Parent Category Political Ideologies, Current Affairs

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