Reign of Terror: How the 9/11 Era Destabilized America and Produced Trump Free Audiobook Download by Spencer Ackerman

The Reign of Terror: How the 9/11 Era Destabilized America and Produced Trump is a book that was written by Spencer Ackerman. It was published on November 14, 2013 in the US and it was narrated by Spencer Ackerman. The book is about the ways that the United States of America has been destabilized since September 11, 2001. This includes how September 11th has led to more security, less freedom, and more government involvement with people's personal information.

In September of 2001, as the United States enters into its 15th year of war, terrorists attack America with devastating success. Al-Qaeda, a ragtag band of extremists with no real organization and a listless leader named Osama bin Laden, inflicted more damage than any terrorist group ever before on American soil. The 9/11 attacks were the detonating spark in a chain reaction that produced an era of growing instability and domestic terror across the United States--and which led directly to Donald Trump's rise to power.

In his new book, "Reign of Terror: The Rise of ISIS and the Covert Origins of the Bush Doctrine," investigative reporter Spencer Ackerman uncovers how America was destabilized by the terror attacks on 9/11 and what happened to have made Donald Trump possible.

With the release of a new book, 'Reign of Terror', by Spencer Ackerman, a journalist for The Guardian and one-time New York Times reporter, the events that led to Donald Trump's election can be seen in a new light. There are six chapters which cover politics from September 11th on and how the country was destabilized. In chapter one, we see that 9/11 is what led to the passage of the Patriot Act, which made it easier for law enforcement agencies to spy on US citizens without probable cause.

The 9/11 attacks and the War on Terror made America morally bankrupt. Now, instead of combating terror, we lead it. The author argues that the essence of Trump's appeal is not his policies but his single-minded focus on an idea: America's strength is being taken away from us by foreign threats. The US will only be able to recover when the people acknowledge their own moral failures and take responsibility for rebuilding the nation.

Americans were drifting into a state of shock and passivity in a period known as the 9/11 era. This period of time was when radicalization of Americans began, eventually leading to Donald Trump becoming president. The events that followed 9/11 pushed Americans into a state of fear and anxiety. They became unable to comprehend any information other than what they could see in front of them. Suspicious and fearful behavior by some led to the execution of pre-emptive strikes on Iraq, which ultimately lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands and radicalized many others.

Published Date 2021-08-10
Duration 13 hours 55 minutes
Author Spencer Ackerman
Narrated Spencer Ackerman
(6 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Politics
Parent Category American Politics, Current Affairs, North America

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