Reflected in You Free Audiobook Download by Sylvia Day

Sylvia Day's "Reflected in You" is a masterpiece of literary fiction. With the help of Jill Redfield, I was able to enjoy this beautifully written and heart-wrenching book all over again.

Meghan Murphy, a girl with the ability to see into the past and future, has never seen her life go quite as planned. Content with her friends, family and simple life, everything changes when she meets Sam, a mysterious boy who reveals that she is not what she seems.

Bethany was a creature of habit. Every day she went to work, then came home and ate her dinner, watched some mindless TV show, read a chapter in the book she'd just finished, hit the pillow and slept. This is how she lived every mundane day. New York City wasn't as alive as it used to be for her but that night everything changed. Her boyfriend Jameson begged her to go with him into the city so they could have an unforgettable night together. There was something about Jameson that made her want to break out of her routine and be with him forever. So on this particular night Bethany decided to take him up on his offer. They would go out one last time before

The big, beautiful shape of a rock that was part of the sky and it was real. It wasn't just some place I could visit...or escape.

If you're looking for a new audiobooks to listen, Sylvia Day's new book 'Reflected in You' is an absolute must! Sylvia wrote a story with plenty of suspense and mystery; one that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

There is one person you can't escape from, no matter how hard you try to run. And that is the person looking back in the mirror. That is who you are and what you are made of. Sooner or later, we all have to face the reflection of ourselves in order to see not just what we've done, but what we still need to do.

Published Date 2012-10-02
Duration 10 hours 21 minutes
Author Sylvia Day
Narrated Jill Redfield
(213 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category General

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