Private Arrangements Free Audiobook Download by Sherry Thomas

Get your private arrangements audiobook download now and enjoy a private arrangement of Sherry Thomas' Private Arrangements read by Virginia Leishman.

Private Arrangements is a novella written by Sherry Thomas. The book tells the story of Marjorie, a wealthy New York socialite who becomes fascinated with the idea of love as an investment and arranges a series of extramarital affairs in order to gain a return on her investment. This audiobook was downloaded just over two weeks after its release, with over 106 downloads per day in the first week alone.

In this audiobook, the reader gets a glimpse into the life of the wealthy and famous. Sometimes, love is in the cards of those who have everything they could ever want.

'Private Arrangements' is a steamy, sexy and gripping New Adult Novel that takes place in New York City during the height of the financial crisis and follows the story of 19-year-old Elisa Rossetti, a high-school dropout who has taken a job as a personal assistant to one of Manhattan's most powerful hedge fund managers. As her boss schemes to elevate his status among his peers and desperate for more power, Elisa struggles to understand how he can be so self-centered while simultaneously needing her to do everything himself.

Private Arrangements is a spicy, suspenseful, romantic intrigue novel by Sherry Thomas. This audiobook download has been narrated by the talented Virginia Leishman and I think it's worth listening to. If you're looking for a novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat and give you a few clues about why people do the things they do, then this book is for you.

Published Date 2009-05-29
Duration 10 hours 20 minutes
Author Sherry Thomas
Narrated Virginia Leishman
(10 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Historical Romance

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