Pimsleur Albanian Level 1 Lessons 1-5: Learn to Speak and Understand Albanian with Pimsleur Language Programs Free Audiobook Download by Pimsleur Language Programs

Pimsleur Albanian Level 1 Lessons 1-5: Learn to Speak and Understand Albanian with Pimsleur Language Programs is a set of five lessons designed to help readers learn the basics of spoken Albanian. The lessons are narrated by the author and teach the language using real-life, everyday dialogues and phrases.

Learn Albanian with Pimsleur. Albanian is a difficult language to speak, say, and understand. There are many sounds that are not found in English like the xh-ch sound and depending on the dialect you speak, there can be several others. That's where Pimsleur comes in handy. The Pimsleur Language Programs audiobook is best for beginners who want to learn Albanian quickly and effectively through speaking lessons that include audio instruction as well as a vocabulary list.

Albanian is a language spoken by more than 3 million people in Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia. It's also the official language of the Republic of Kosova. Pimsleur Albanian Level 1 Lessons is a great way to get started with learning this hard-to-learn language. The audiobook teaches learners how to speak, listen, read, and write Albanian. The lessons will help you progress through all five levels in just a few weeks. You can download the audiobook through Audible or iTunes and learn in your car or on your commute to work while commuting time flies by.

In this audiobook, you will learn to speak and understand Albanian with Pimsleur Language Programs. This course contains lessons 1-5 which include 10 lessons and 30 hours of listening in mp3 format. You can listen to all the lessons online or download them to a device for offline listening. The course also includes an audio study guide that has grammar explanations and exercises for your improvement.

The Pimsleur Albanian Level 1 Lessons is a language program that teaches the basics of speaking and understanding Albanian.

Albanian is a language that originates from ancient times. It has many words and phrases that are also used in other languages. Pimsleur Albanian Level 1 Lessons 1-5: Learn to Speak and Understand Albanian with Pimsleur Language Programs were created to teach you the basics of the language so that you can speak it at an intermediate level. This audio course comes in both MP3 and CD formats.

Published Date 2010-12-21
Duration 2 hours 30 minutes
Author Pimsleur Language Programs
Narrated Pimsleur Language Programs
(9 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Language Instruction
Parent Category Other

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