My Perfect Ex-Boyfriend Free Audiobook Download by Annabelle Costa

One day I was scrolling through my phone and saw a guy that looked exactly like the love of my life from ten years ago. Well, he was 10 years older but his name was still the same and I had to know what happened to him. So I tracked him down online and then... well, we fell in love again. It's been 18 months now since we parted ways but we're still together! How is that even possible?

My Perfect Ex-Boyfriend by Annabelle Costa is a book about a girl's search for the perfect guy. She goes through many guys, but always ends up going back to her ex-boyfriend until she finally finds someone who doesn't fit any of her pre-conceived ideal traits.

Annabelle Costa is a single thirty-year-old woman living in New York City. She gets dumped by her boyfriend of eleven years, so she's determined to find a new man. Her search for the perfect man leads her to a dating app and soon enough she meets Alex. He seems too good to be true, especially since their relationship only lasts six weeks before breaking up.

This audiobook is a quick read that takes place in a college dorm room. The protagonist, Annabelle, is invited to move into the room by her roommate's friend and meets the perfect guy, who happens to be very attractive and funny. She feels an immediate connection with him but is warned by her friends not to get too attached because he'll only break your heart. They start dating and then things take a turn when he stops returning her texts and calls after a few weeks of dating. As she tries to figure out what went wrong, she learns more about this boy than she could have imagined.

My Perfect Ex-Boyfriend is a contemporary romance novel with a HEA and cliffhanger that will have you on the edge of your seat! With family drama, steamy love scenes, twists and turns, it's the perfect book for escaping into.

Listening to this audiobook on the way to work really put a damper on my day. In addition to the fact that I had car trouble and was late, it made me realize that no matter how great my ex-boyfriend was, he would have never been enough for me because I'm not supposed to be with someone just 'because.'

Published Date 2019-04-23
Duration 7 hours 54 minutes
Author Annabelle Costa
Narrated Madeleine Dauer
(9 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Contemporary

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