Mist Rising Free Audiobook Download by Eve Langlais

A mist is slowly rising, thick and gray, changing the landscape into a foreign territory. And my favorite zone is getting covered in mist—and there's nowhere to go! Author Eve Langlais captures the fear of this situation with words that pull at your heartstrings and keep you in suspense until the very end.

Mist Rising is a book about a mysterious woman who was found in the woods by two hunters. One of the hunters, Max, takes her home and falls in love with her. Soon after they marry, strange things start to happen. They are stalked by angry ghosts who want revenge on them. After being stung by a bee that releases a deadly mist from its stingers, their lives fall apart as they unravel the mystery of what happened to these malicious spirits. The Mist Rising audiobook download is narrated by Carly Robins and is offered in many different languages for those who enjoy their fantasy books read out loud! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13705962-mist-rising?ac=1&

The Mist Rising audiobook download is a very detailed and captivating story. The narrator, Carly Robins, does a wonderful job of narrating the book. As soon as I finished listening to it, I immediately downloaded all her other books too!

Mist Rising narrated by the talented Carly Robins is an audiobook that follows Abigail, who's been thrust into a world of terror and confusion. The Mist has taken over leaving everyone trapped in a never-ending nightmare where the sky is filled with deadly creatures that crave human flesh.

Mist Rising is a new YA novel for the fans of fantasy and adventure, with a unique twist. The main character was kidnapped by pirates who kick-started her transition to being Mist - an immortal creature with supernatural powers that must be controlled and imitated by mortals.

Mist Rising is a novel about a girl living in a small town in Oregon. Zoey is the daughter of two of the most powerful witches in the area, and she has no idea how powerful she actually is until she meets a girl at a party masquerading as a werewolf. Evie Langlais brings the characters to life with her narration, creating an eerie feeling throughout the entire story. From beginning to end, it's difficult to shake off the feeling that something sinister is lurking just beyond the horizon.

Published Date 2021-08-24
Duration 8 hours 53 minutes
Author Eve Langlais
Narrated Carly Robins
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Paranormal

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