Learn My Lesson Audiobook Download by Katee Robert

I have heard a lot of great things about Katee Robert and her books, but one of the best parts is that many of them are available in audiobook form. If you like me, then I am sure you would love to listen to them while commuting or exercising. I took advantage of this particular audiobook by downloading it on Amazon.

Learn My Lesson is a short novel that tells the story of two girls during their final year of high school. One girl has had it all planned out her whole life and never deviates from her plan while the other girl feels more free to make choices. A third story line follows a boy named Thomas who's trying to figure out what he wants to do after high school. Throughout the book, the girls are torn about what direction they need to go in for college and end up turning back to each other for support. The audiobook version is narrated by three different people: Tara Langella, Gregory Salinas, Tanner Debruyne.

Every day, there's a lesson in our life. It's just us trying to find it. And when we do, it becomes so much more real. Tonight is one of those nights for me. I can't sleep because of the thoughts racing through my mind and I've been turning constantly in my bed for hours now. As I lay here staring at the shadows on the wall, I decide that there is no use in fighting these feelings any longer and that maybe the dark was where all of this was hiding from me all along

Learn My Lesson is about a teenage boy who starts a story when he's bullied. His story stays with him throughout the years as he struggles to come to terms with life and the people around him. This book was written by Katee Robert and narrated by Tara Langella, Gregory Salinas, and Tanner Debruyne.

Learn My Lesson is a collection of short stories and poems written by Katee Robert. Many of the stories are centered around relationships, in particular sexual relationships.

Learn My Lesson follows the story of a young girl called Lilah who is struggling with her weight. She loves to eat, but she feels bad about herself and doesn't like anything she sees in the mirror. One day, a strange young man named Alexander comes along and claims that he has a secret that will help her lose weight, but it's going to take some time for her to believe him.

Published Date 2020-08-08
Duration 7 hours 58 minutes
Author Katee Robert
Narrated Gregory Salinas, Tara Langella, Tanner Debruyne
(3 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? No
Category Romance
Parent Category Contemporary, Mystery

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