In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower: How Universities Are Plundering Our Cities Free Audiobook Download by Davarian L Baldwin

In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower, Wayne Carr talks about how Universities are plundering our cities. They are creating towers of ivory that have become too tall for the city to support them financially, socially and environmentally. This audiobook is a fascinating guide to understanding how universities are ruining our cities and why it is apparent that this cannot go on forever. It details how universities were originally necessary because they provided a way of educating citizens in a society not yet ready to understand the scientific world. The problem with today's universities is that they've become disconnected from society's needs and instead focus on making money for themselves.

In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower is a book that exposes the work many universities are doing to drastically change cities around the world. Baldwin has published a number of books in his career and this one takes a look at how universities have been directing our cities for profit. There's a lot of corruption in academia, which makes groups like Davarian Baldwin very necessary.

"While I was in Boston, I saw the effects of the destruction of academic institutions on a daily basis," says Wayne Carr, author and urban planner. "I've seen it firsthand - gone are the days of a city being defined by its universities."

In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower: How Universities Are Plundering Our Cities is a book that provides a look at how our cities are being consumed by universities. There are many ways in which corporations, banks, and governments have created a system of higher education that is not only turning our society into debt-ridden zombies, it is also forcing education down the throats of everyone with means. In short, universities are plundering our cities...and they don't care if you're dead or living in poverty.

"In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower" is a book that discusses how universities have become a business, while completely ignoring the students and their education. The author talks about some of the things happening to our education today, and helps us understand what we can do to reclaim our city, institutions and selves.

The author of this book on the effects of universities on cities, Davarian L. Baldwin, has a unique perspective. As a former social worker and an educator, he was well-aware of the impact which universities had on their respective communities before he became an economist in his own right. He's written about how these institutions have both positive and negative effects on their host cities and cites many examples throughout this book that showcase this.

Published Date 2021-03-30
Duration 8 hours 40 minutes
Author Davarian L Baldwin
Narrated Wayne Carr
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Politics
Parent Category Public Policy, Education, Social Science

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