I Have Something to Say: Mastering the Art of Public Speaking in an Age of Disconnection Free Audiobook Download by John Bowe

This audiobook by John Bowe teaches us that we need to step out of our comfort zone and speak our "truth" to the world. The author stresses that this is the key to living a fulfilling, meaningful life.

John Bowe' book is a comprehensive guide for those who want to improve their public speaking skills, as well as wanting to be able to speak intelligently in an age of disconnection. The chapters are divided into sections that cover topics associated with speaking, such as powerful mindsets, the art of understanding your audience and crafting the perfect message. The author also talks about the importance of not only taking care of yourself before you speak but also making sure you're on good terms with your colleagues or team members.

John Bowe's I Have Something to Say is a crisp and inspiring guide for anyone interested in understanding the art of public speaking. It is not about what you say, but how you say it. Earlier this year, Bowe was honored with the prestigious Gold Medal from the National Communication Association for his lifetime achievements in speech writing and advocacy.

There is a lot of talk these days about what we should do to try and be more connected as individuals. But this is not always just a practical goal: that talk often has a longing for what was in the past—a time before our phones took over, when people still had face-to-face interactions with one another, before the internet became so ubiquitous, when the "real" America was still out there somewhere.

In John Bowe's fascinating new book, I Have Something to Say: Mastering the Art of Public Speaking in an Age of Disconnection, he advocates for the importance of public communication skills and the importance of speaking up. We live in a time where people feel disconnected from their fellow man and this makes it harder to get your message across. In order to reach people you have to be connected with them emotionally through their stories.

In this audiobook, John Bowe shares his insights on how to become a better speaker in a culture that is becoming increasingly disconnected. He offers specific and drill-specific tips for how to overcome obstacles to be heard and how to live as an authentic person in a world that is trying so hard to be entertained by all of the noise.

Published Date 2020-08-11
Duration 7 hours 7 minutes
Author John Bowe
Narrated Mark Feuerstein
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Language Instruction
Parent Category Language Arts, Self Development, Career Development

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