Everything Trump Touches Dies Free Audiobook Download by Rick Wilson

Rick Wilson is an American political commentator who was the senior adviser for communications to Mitt Romney on his 2012 presidential campaign. In this book, he talks about how Trump's character and business practices are bankrupting our country. He also argues that Trump only cares about himself and his good looks.

"Rick Wilson is a very funny guy. He is one of the best-known conservative writers in the country, and his debut audiobook, Everything Trump Touches Dies, is bracingly funny." (Audiofile Magazine)

'Rick Wilson' is a very well-known politician and commentator. He is also the narrator of this audiobook, which was released to celebrate the release of 'Everything Trump Touches Dies.' This book explores Trump's impact on the American political, media, and cultural landscape.

The audiobook 'Everything Trump Touches Dies' is narrated by Rick Wilson, a politician and author who has been actively involved in the 2016 election.

This book is a telling of all the things President Trump has touched, and how they have died. The author makes it clear that he is not biased against Trump or his supporters, but he just wants to show that everything Trump touches dies.

The narrative begins with Trump's birth in 1946 and follows his life through his electoral victories and presidential campaign. He portrays Trump as a narcissistic con-man who has risen to the top spot of Republican Party despite being wholly unfit for the job. He also describes how he feels most like a character in a good novel, which makes him feel more alive than anything else.

Published Date 2018-08-07
Duration 10 hours 4 minutes
Author Rick Wilson
Narrated Rick Wilson
(59 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Politics
Parent Category American Politics, Current Affairs

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