El día que el océano te mire a los ojos Free Audiobook Download by Dulcinea

The day that the ocean looks you in the eyes is a day of transformation. It is when Dulcinea finally learns where her loyalties lie and the loyalty of the love she has for those who seem to be so insubstantial.

En el primer día de clase, Dulcinea se encontró con un grupo de niños que le gritaban '¡Déjalo!' a lo largo de las aulas, se burlaban de ella por una supuesta píldora. En caso necesario, Dulcinea nunca olvidará la primera vez que mira sus ojos siendo ignorada, patinando en su lancha y sentirse desnuda ante el mundo.

Dulcinea, the narrator, begins by telling about her accomplishments. She lists early successes in her career as a public speaker such as speaking in front of 18,000 people in NY and around 10,000 people at the TED Conference. From there she focuses on how quickly things can change when you put yourself out there and your desire to tell your story no matter what. She goes into detail about the obstacles she faced both professionally and personally but was able to overcome them with perseverance and commitment to herself. This sets Dulcinea up as an inspiration for others trying to do the same thing who might doubt themselves or their abilities.

El día que el océano te mire a los ojos is Dulcinea's story of life on Earth. It has been a long time since the world has seen such a massive change in the planet and it is beginning to feel like old times are coming back.

Dulcinea retrata la noción de que mientras vivimos en un mundo te representamos y no podemos ver todo lo que ocurre, porque nos vemos ocupados con nuestros propios pensamientos y emociones.

Published Date 2021-10-01
Duration 7 hours 10 minutes
Author Dulcinea
Narrated Raquel Moreno
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Contemporary, Fantasy

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