Echo Power Audiobook Download by Anna Durand

Echo Power is not your average young adult romance. It has depth, romance, and heartbreak. The main character, Maraline, is a natural beauty with long brown hair and sparkling green eyes who is struggling to balance school and her family's independent business. She must decide whether to stay in Echo Falls or follow her dreams of seeing the world outside of the small town where she grew up. If you're looking for a new listen, try this one for sure!

Echo Power is a science-fiction novel with many twists and turns. It's centered on the idea of humanity, who has been changed by technology into distinct artificial beings. The novel itself consists of three parts, each focused on one of these artificial creatures. In the first part, Anna Durand is an 18 year old girl living in a futuristic society where it's illegal for her to be in possession of any memory from before she was 'digitized'. After a genetic accident results in her powers being awakened and she begins to question the society, she has to decide what kind of person she will become.

This is the story of Echo, a woman who has recently found out that she has a gift. Her gift is to perceive sounds that most people cannot hear. She finds this gift can help her on many levels like in her personal life and career. In order to transform into a better person, she must be willing to risk everything.

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Anna Durand was new to town and in need of a job. She's got experience using Echo Power, the software that powers everything from your car to self-driving robots. Playing by her rules and doing things the old fashioned way gets her targeted by someone on the inside who wants to shut down Echo Power forever. She has to fight her own team and make alliances with people she would never work with if it weren't for their common enemy. It's not easy, but Anna just might be able to make this thing work after all..

Echo Power is the story of John Hartley, a struggling writer who is determined to write his novel "Echo," but gets sidetracked by his obsession with self-improvement. He wants to be perfect in every way, and his quest leads him into some dangerous places. His obsession becomes an obsession - Echo Power has become an addiction that threatens his career and his life.

Published Date 2022-01-30
Duration 8 hours 3 minutes
Author Anna Durand
Narrated John Hartley, Stella Hunter
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? No
Category Romance
Parent Category Mystery, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Romance

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