Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right Free Audiobook Download by Jane Mayer

The author of this book, Jane Mayer, has been writing articles about the Koch brothers for decades. This audio book is her latest contribution to the Dark Money series. The series details the rise of the Radical Right in America and its connection with the rise of the Koch brothers and other oligarchical billionaires. Mayer goes on to categorize each billionaire as either a "good billionaire" or a "bad billionaire."

Jane Mayer's Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right is an exhaustive account of how a few billionaires have had a tremendous impact on American politics over the span of recent time. She sheds light on how these people have used their money to buy politicians, start think-tanks, and fund radicalism in order to completely control our system.

In Dark Money, the New York Times reporter Jane Mayer takes readers into a world that most of us are not familiar with: billionaires, luxury resorts and tax havens. More specifically, she describes the history of the modern conservative movement from its origins as a group of white businessmen in the 1970s to its current form as one of extremist groups with big money donors.

The author of the book, Jane Mayer, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist and columnist for The New Yorker. In her book, she takes a close look at the history of deep pockets that have been funding the rise of radical Republicanism. She explains how these wealthy individuals and their foundations have had a major impact on advancing conservative causes such as anti-science, anti-environmental policies, school privatization initiatives, and tax cuts for the rich.

Dark Money is a book about the backroom deals and covert operations of America's wealthiest conservative donors. Dark Money explores how a small group of ultra-wealthy conservatives in the United States has been pulling the strings behind the scenes to co-opt our democracy in its own interest, mostly with an end goal of reversing the progressive policies that we've seen since FDR's New Deal.

Dark Money is an eye-opening work of investigative journalism that reveals the influence that wealthy business interests have on American politics, and the lengths to which some will go to obscure their money trails. Journalists Jane Mayer and coauthors provide a detailed account of how billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch, along with Richard Mellon Scaife and others, have been able to use their vast fortunes to manipulate elections and change who runs our government.

Published Date 2016-01-19
Duration 16 hours 55 minutes
Author Jane Mayer
Narrated Kirsten Potter
(70 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Politics
Parent Category Political Ideologies, North America

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