Blade of Darkness Free Audiobook Download by Dianne Duvall

A teenage girl is transported to a parallel world where she must battle an immortal being to save her family.

The Devil has a job for you. He wants you to kill the devil's mistress. She's the one who set him up and tried to steal his power, so he'll give you everything you need for the job. Do you want the power? The Devil will let it all be yours, but first, he wants to know that she's dead...

Blade of Darkness is a story about Lilly, a young girl who lives in the woods outside of her village with her father. When she was younger, she wandered off into the forest, where she was attacked by a carnivorous creature called a "blade of darkness." The creature's bite left Lilly with a blood curse that makes her irresistible to any male who sees her. With no other option but to stay in the forest, Lilly meets and befriends another young girl named Rowan. As their bond grows stronger, they must find out where the blade of darkness came from and how they can stop it before it kills them both.

Blade of Darkness is the story of a young girl named 'Alana' who lives in a town called Bretherton. She goes on an adventure to find her missing father, who was last seen by his partner 'Ethan'. On her journey she meets Erebus and finds out that Ethan is the evil Lord of Darkness, and Alana has been chosen to battle him.

Blade of Darkness is a fantasy novel. The author writes in an unusual way, alternating from the perspective of two main characters, who are both women. One is named as "Gwyn" and the other is named as "Nym." Both have their own thoughts about how they see everything happening around them. They also see completely different worlds that overlap with each other. The story contains no significant violence or gore, which makes it appropriate for children and adults alike to read.

Kirsten Potter is a narrator who does an excellent job of bringing this dark fantasy to life. You can feel the pain, anger, and despair flowing from every word. Dark fantasy lovers will love this book!

Published Date 2017-09-19
Duration 13 hours 17 minutes
Author Dianne Duvall
Narrated Kirsten Potter
(2 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Contemporary

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