Better Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day Free Audiobook Download by Edie Schwager

Improve your vocabulary with this audiobook. Edie Schwager has written a helpful book that will teach you how to improve your vocabulary in just 30 minutes a day. She breaks down words by their meaning, so you can quickly understand and remember the definition of words. Some of her examples are "uncle" or "inspector." She also includes tips on how to improve your memory. Edie is an expert in the field of language and provides a lot of great tips for vocabulary building. The narrator, Sean Pratt, does an excellent job at providing narration throughout the whole audiobook.

Edie Schwager is the author of a book titled Better Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day. This audiobook offers many tips for vocabulary building. Many of them are already used by people, but others might not be familiar to those who have not read the book yet.

There are many ways to improve your vocabulary and that includes reading books. However, you're probably not going to have a lot of time to read and there's also the worry that you'll get bored with all the same words over and over. That's where audiobooks come in. This book is about improving your vocabulary by listening to one word at a time.

In this audiobook, Schwager teaches that many different words have the same pronunciation and meaning, but they still have different meanings. For instance, literally means exactly or literally in reality while dialect means a variety of ways of speaking. She also talks about how to use these words correctly in sentences.

The audiobook is narrated by Sean Pratt who has a soothing voice that easy to listen to. He tells the story of his character, Edie, and her quest for better vocabulary in 30 minutes a day. Edie starts off without any knowledge of words and gradually learns new words as she takes on language-based challenges.

One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is through audiobooks. This book, "Better Vocabulary in 30 Minutes a Day" by Edie Schwager, is an excellent example of the power of audiobooks. Schwager teaches beginners how to build their vocabulary and perfect their speaking skills in just 30 minutes a day. The narrator for this audiobook is Sean Pratt, who does a great job teaching listeners how to be better speakers.

Published Date 2016-10-18
Duration 5 hours 31 minutes
Author Edie Schwager
Narrated Sean Pratt
(55 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Language Instruction
Parent Category Language Arts, Self Development

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