A Moment of Weakness Free Audiobook Download by Karen Kingsbury

In the audiobook, Barbara Caruso narrates the story of a woman who is in love with her life insurance agent. One day she finds out that he has been lying to her and cheating on her while they were married. She decides to marry him anyway so that he will support her family and pay off her mortgage.

A Moment of Weakness is a novel about two unlikely people who help each other over the course of one fateful day. The story follows the lives of Rachel's husband, Chris, and James after they both have moments of weakness that change their lives.

In "A Moment of Weakness," Barbara Caruso narrates the audiobook. Her voice is perfect for character of a person with Alzheimer's. She speaks slowly and has an accent that doesn't distract from the story.

A Moment of Weakness by Karen Kingsbury is the perfect book for anyone who has experienced tragedy or loss. It follows the story of Tuck and his best friend, Alyssa, who was killed in a car accident when she was just seventeen years old. When Tuck finally gets to close to move on, he meets Grace at a teenage retreat center. Grace is struggling through her own grief as well and their bond strengthens over time. This novel is one that truly leaves you feeling encouraged, blessed, and hopeful for the future.

Ten years ago, the world was turned upside down when the unthinkable happened. A young girl named Angela Brody was murdered by her own father for fear that she would disclose his secret. Her mother and others fought to help Angela's soul rest in peace through the use of a religious ritual known as "The Rite."

A Moment of Weakness by Karen Kingsbury is a story of love, success, and failure. Trisha Hamilton is tired and overworked. She manages an event planning company in Nashville and has ten weddings lined up for the next year, including her own daughter's wedding in six weeks. Everything is about to come crashing down on her when she gets an email from one of her clients asking for a refund because their daughter cancelled the wedding at the last minute.

Published Date 2008-05-09
Duration 13 hours 7 minutes
Author Karen Kingsbury
Narrated Barbara Caruso
(10 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Religious & Inspirational

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