Africa Audiobooks

The Africa category on Audible includes audiobooks about and set in Africa. This includes novels that take place in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa or Sudan. There are also works of nonfiction and biographies by African authors. You can learn more about these books by reading their descriptions or searching for them in the search bar on the left-hand side of the audiobook page.

Africa is the most diverse continent on earth and is home to people of many different ethnicities, dialects, religions, cultures, and languages. These people have their own customs and traditions that make their lives very distinct in comparison to those of other countries in the world. The Africa category on the audiobooks app allows its listeners to listen to audio books with African language narrators.

Africa is the world's second most populous continent with a huge and diverse culture. There are many African stories to choose from in this audiobook category, such as "The Penitent Man of Assin-Fu" by Amos Tutuola, "Antigone" by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, and "We Need New Names" by NoViolet Bulawayo.

Africa audiobook is a category with more than 120 audiobooks. The audiobooks are classified by language and alphabetically by author. All the books are narrated in English, French, Spanish and German.

We want to bring you Africa audiobooks that can't be found anywhere else. If you are looking for African language audiobooks, or if you're just not interested in learning a new language but want to learn about the continent, this is the place for you.

Africa is home to many different cultures, religions and languages. As many as 650 million people live in Africa today. Some of the continent's most notable populations are the Bantu, Khoisan (or Khoesan), Hottentots, Zulu and Nilotic communities.