The Woman Outside My Door Free Audiobook Download by Rachel Ryan

The Woman Outside My Door is a gripping and engaging story that follows a woman named Caitlin who is trying to rebuild her life after being released from prison. The novel begins with Caitlin returning home to the small town she once called home. Caitlin has a lot of secrets, but anyone reading this book will quickly learn what they are as the story unfolds.

The Woman Outside My Door is a harrowing story that is told from the perspective of a woman who has been traumatized over and over again for simply existing. From her assault, to her family's neglect, to her mental health crisis, Alana has been put through the wringer time and time again by society, only to have any semblance of care or support denied to her. With each attack on Alana's life, it becomes harder and harder for her to find something she can trust in.

When Alana Collins takes a job as an intern at a competitive law firm, she has no idea how much her life will change. Not only does she find herself struggling to keep up with the workload, but she's also forced to deal with the unexpected presence of a woman on the other side of her apartment door-a woman who seems intent on making Alana's life difficult.

'Alana Kerr Collins' is a medical doctor by profession and is an award-winning author of eight novels. She also has experience as a mentor, lecturer, and writing coach. Although she only had four hours to record the audiobook, her performance was amazing. She did such an incredible job that she captured my attention throughout the whole story. I would recommend this audiobook to anyone and everyone who enjoys suspenseful stories.

The Woman Outside My Door is a memoir that discusses the pain of domestic abuse and sexual assault. The protagonist, Rachel Ryan, shares her story about how her abusive husband would follow her for days on end and how she was afraid to enter buildings or talk to people. She also shares about the difficulty of returning back to society after experiencing such trauma. Alana Kerr Collins narrates this book with her distinct voice and different tone that keeps the reader hooked throughout the whole book.

Published Date 2021-01-05
Duration 6 hours 57 minutes
Author Rachel Ryan
Narrated Alana Kerr Collins
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Mystery, Thriller & Horror
Parent Category Suspense, Feminist Fiction

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