The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child Free Audiobook Download by Robert W. Sears

The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child is a book that offers parents and health care professionals guidance on how to make the best vaccination decision for their children. The book provides information on vaccine components, side effects, recommended ages, and more.

The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child is a guide to make the best decisions about children's health. This audiobook is a must-have if you have kids and want to keep them safe by educating yourself on what your child should or should not receive at doctors appointments.

Dr. Sears is an American pediatrician and medical director of the Sears Pediatric Clinic in Chicago, Illinois. This book was created for parents who are looking for advice about vaccinating their children, but have no one to ask. One of the main topics Dr. Sears addresses is whether or not vaccines cause autism in children. He argues that while there may be a possibility that vaccines could cause autism, it is rare and out of many other risk factors that can play a part in leading to autism, this is not one of them.

This book is written by Robert W. Sears. It is a book about vaccines, what they are and how they work. It has been read over 6 million times and is one of the most popular books on vaccines that have been published worldwide. The Vaccine Book offers information on many different vaccines, including the HPV vaccine, chickenpox vaccine, pertussis vaccine, influenza vaccination and more.

This book is aimed at parents who currently have children, but don't have the time to read each relevant study. This audiobook is a great way for parents to make the best decisions for their children in regard to the ever changing world of vaccines. This book is divided into nine chapters that cover topics ranging from the effects of a vaccine and what it means for your child's life, to specific diseases and how they are being prevented in today's society.

[The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child] by Robert W. Sears is a comprehensive guide to understanding the risks and benefits of vaccinations, as well as how to reduce the risks of contracting certain infections and diseases. This audiobook download features an abridged version narrated by Dan Woren, and provides guidance on both sides of what parents should keep in mind before deciding whether or not to vaccinate their baby.

Published Date 2021-04-06
Duration 9 hours 59 minutes
Author Robert W. Sears
Narrated Dan Woren
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Parenting, Marriage & Family

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