The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance Free Audiobook Download by W. Timothy Gallwey

When listening to this audiobook, you'll be treated to a guided tour that will show you how the mind-body connection is the key to achieving Peak Performance in any endeavor - including tennis. Using this book as a guide, you'll learn how to optimize your performance by using techniques on how to be able to concentrate better than ever before. You'll also gain crucial insights on what it takes to develop a winning mindset.

The Inner Game of Tennis is a classic book written by Dr. W. Timothy Gallwey, who's been teaching sports psychology to athletes since 1966. It's a guide to the mental side of physical activity, including how to win, how to lose gracefully, and how you can improve your level of performance through changing perspective. The audiobook was narrated by Dan Woren and published by Audible Studios in 2017.

The Inner Game of Tennis was published in 1975 and has been translated more than 30 times around the world with more than a million copies sold. The book is based on the principles of W. Timothy Gallwey who believed that tennis players can learn to improve their game mentally by practicing an easy mental exercise called "The Game" and Applying these techniques for other aspects of their lives. This classic text offers a fresh perspective on how humans can become what they want to be, or have the things they want in life while developing a positive attitude.

In this audiobook, W. Timothy Gallwey discusses the mental side of sport and how it can affect performance. The book is organized into four parts: introduction, physical game, inner game, and outer game. He explains what the inner game is and how to begin practicing it.

This audiobook is a wonderful introduction to the mental side of tennis. Gallwey's lessons are simple and easy to follow, yet they have had an enormous impact on my game. The Inner Game of Tennis is a timeless work that can help even the most jaded players to improve their game.

This audiobook is an excellent introduction to the Inner Game of Tennis. Gallwey provides the reader with tons of practical information and anecdotes about coaching tennis players. I really enjoyed his sense of humor and his personal style.

Published Date 2008-01-08
Duration 4 hours 36 minutes
Author W. Timothy Gallwey
Narrated Dan Woren
(97 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development, Psychology, Other

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