Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Public Schooling Free Audiobook Download by John Taylor Gatto
The book starts on the premise that we have been dumbing us down in order to meet the demands of an increasingly competitive society. The author calls out schools for requiring students only to memorize, and not understand, information in order to pass tests. This has created a culture where a child is allowed to fail without consequence, which can lead to them feeling confused about how they should go about their day.
John Taylor Gatto is a former New York City teacher who decided to write an expose of the education system. The book speaks about how schools have lessened our ability to learn and what is being taught in the classroom.
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Public Schooling is an audiobook download by John Taylor Gatto. It is an amazing book that chronicles how children are being taught a particular way to think and act without them knowing. This book is a must listen for anyone that is interested in the state of education in America.
John Taylor Gatto's "Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Public Schooling" is a nonfiction work about the public school system and its hidden curriculum. There are many examples in this book that discuss how schools have been training children to be more passive and docile individuals, who will also not question authority like an individual would. This book discusses how schools today have conditioned students for a future that does not exist.
John Taylor Gatto, a former New York City teacher, has a new assessment of the educational system in America. Gatto presents how today's students are 'dumbed down' through the manipulation of their learning environment and it's content. The author shows how this dumbing down of children has been accomplished through an ever increasing number of standardized tests, curriculum changes and the removal of literature from class. Gatto reveals why these changes have been made by exposing the underlying agenda behind them, which is to prepare students for minimum wage labor jobs or service industry positions.
John Taylor Gatto, a former New York City elementary school teacher has written a book that debunks the myth of public school as an inherently good and beneficial institution. In his book, he explains how public schools are designed to keep parents out of school choices and with the help of technology prevent children from learning anything beyond what is expected.
Published Date | 2012-02-14 |
Duration | 3 hours 20 minutes |
Author | John Taylor Gatto |
Narrated | Michael Puttonen |
Reviews | |
Abridged | No |
Is It Free? | 30-days Free |
Category | Non-Fiction |
Parent Category | Lectures |