Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs Free Audiobook Download by Michael T. Osterholm,Mark Olshaker

Our War Against Killer Germs by Michael T. Osterholm and Mark Olshaker is a scientific look at how infectious diseases have evolved to become more and more deadly over time. The author also looks at why some infectious diseases are becoming more and more difficult to control, as well as the ways that our current practices of testing, treatment and prevention could help us to get back on top of the situation.

When we find ourselves feeling under the weather, what's the first thing we do? Go to the doctor. But there are times when all it takes is a quick trip to the grocery store and a few bites of food to make your stomach churn. To make matters worse, you might have no idea where the germs actually came from. They could have been on the fruits and vegetables that you just bought at the store or they could have come from someone else with a cold, but your immune system wasn't prepared for them.

In their new book, "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs" authors Michael T. Osterholm and Mark Olshaker take a closer look at how our war against killer germs has been waged over the years. They explore the role of climate change in changing worldwide contagions, as well as how to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. They also discuss how regular hand washing can help prevent the spread of nasty pathogens and what we can do to stop antibiotic resistant strains from becoming more prevalent.

The deadliest enemy of civilization, as microbiologist Michael Osterholm Mark Olshaker recently wrote, is not climate change, or nuclear war. It's the germs we share with each other in our day-to-day lives and bring with us on planes, trains, and automobiles from country to country. Osterholm makes a compelling case for the importance of our fight against these microbes. He has some promising ideas about how to win this war--and even how to make it an act of civil disobedience by challenging political leaders and public health officials who resist his work.

In the audiobook "Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs" Michael T. Osterholm and Mark Olshaker give us a detailed account of the threat that emerging infectious diseases pose to humanity. The authors go into detail about how microbes can become killers, and how some microbes are resistant to our arsenal of antibiotics. They also discuss how we must be vigilant against these threats, even if it means going as far as necessitating a quarantine zone similar to how we currently handle Ebola outbreaks.

The most sophisticated weapon in the history of warfare has been a microscopic force that could never be seen and yet kills more people than nuclear weapons. This force is, of course, the human pathogen. For 2,000 years, we have been waging war against these "killer germs." We have built countless armies of doctors who are charged with killing the enemy. And yet our enemies keep winning. Our savior might finally come in the form of new immunotherapies that harness immunity to kill disease-causing pathogens on their own.

Published Date 2017-03-14
Duration 11 hours 26 minutes
Author Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker
Narrated Jamie Renell
(7 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Science & Technology
Parent Category Medicine, Social Science

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