Blessed Are the Weird: A Manifesto for Creatives Free Audiobook Download by Jacob Nordby

Blessed Are the Weird: A Manifesto for Creatives is an audiobook written by Jacob Nordby that was originally published in 2016. The audiobook is dedicated to highlighting the diversity of creativity, explaining how it is a cross-cultural and universal process. This manifesto also discusses difficulties people encounter when they feel like they aren't "creative" enough, or that creative ideas can only be generated by specific people with certain backgrounds.

"The world a creative person sees is not the world any other person sees" A manifesto for creatives by Jacob Nordby

This manifesto is filled with practical advice and wisdom for artists and creative thinkers of all kinds on how to make their work more fulfilling. The book does a great job of explaining the power that comes from being weird, which is a key attribute for creativity. Nordby also provides some helpful insights on how to get people to pay attention by breaking the rules of conventional wisdom.

'Blessed Are the Weird' is a manifesto-type book which serves as an introduction to creative thinkers who feel they have been overlooked. It is filled with stories of inspiration, advice and encouragement that are sure to help any creative person in their journey.

The creative life is not a life of stability, but it is also one that can be a very rewarding journey. This audiobook offers you the opportunity to go on a spiritual quest like no other. Wilderness can be both beautiful and terrifying. Fame and fortune are not always meant for everyone and sometimes we are better off just being content with our weirdness.

Jacob Nordby's manifesto for creatives, Blessed Are the Weird, was written in response to the way that creatives are constantly told to be "normal." This book offers a refreshingly honest and forthright perspective on what it means to be weird, and is full of helpful advice for those who are struggling with creativity.

Published Date 2018-01-24
Duration 5 hours 4 minutes
Author Jacob Nordby
Narrated Jacob Nordby
(5 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Self Development, Psychology

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