8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder: Effective Strategies from Therapeutic Practice and Personal Experience Free Audiobook Download by Gwen Schubert Grabb,Carolyn Costin

In her book 8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder: Effective Strategies from Therapeutic Practice and Personal Experience, Gwen Schubert Grabb Carolyn Costin outline 8 keys to recovery for those struggling with eating disorders. They are, 1) understand what an eating disorder is--it's a serious mental illness that disrupts the body's natural balance and presents as a strong desire to lose weight through excessive exercise, dieting or purging; 2) eat real food; 3) manage your time so you have enough time for self-care and take care of yourself; 4) engage in emotional processing; 5) learn how to share your experience with others without shame or fear; 6) set realistic goals for recovery rather than reaching perfection;

The 8 Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder: Effective Strategies from Therapeutic Practice and Personal Experience is a workbook with 8 chapters and includes the following self-help strategies:

Of the 8 Keys, the following are specifically related to self-care. One is to be aware of how much food you need and set reasonable goals while addressing individual needs. Another is to engage in activities that give you pleasure, rather than focusing on what you should not be eating or when you should be eating. Grabb, et al. state that one can use this form of therapy to create new ways of thinking about food. Engaging in enjoyable activities such as hobbies or playing sports can help keep your mind and body healthy during recovery.

Una barrera muy potente para la recuperación de una persona que tiene una enfermedad de peso es el nivel de estrés. Una dieta cetogénica ayuda a disminuir los niveles de estrés, y aquellas personas que se someten a dietas cetogénicas suelen vivir con menos tensión física y mental.

This audiobook is a collection of stories from the lives of people who have struggled with an eating disorder and recovered. The book includes memoirs, original poetry, and inspirational quotes.

This audiobook was written by Gwen Schubert Grabb Carolyn Costin. It offers eight keys to recovery from an eating disorder. These keys are based on the challenges faced by patients and therapists in putting together a successful treatment plan. Eight Keys to Recovery from an Eating Disorder provides guidance for clinicians, as well as practical advice for those who have experienced the challenges of an eating disorder

Published Date 2017-07-04
Duration 9 hours 20 minutes
Author Gwen Schubert Grabb, Carolyn Costin
Narrated Donna Postel
(7 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Non-Fiction
Parent Category Psychology

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